Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Day Blog

On the rainy drive in to work on 422 today, (after being grateful the grass is green again) I thought about being able to tell people about what bothers me with some of the drivers and thought of a community blog (thanks to my daughter recently sharing her's). I guess one of my pet peeves is those drivers who think the fast lane is too slow, so as soon as there is a break in traffic in the right lane, they accelerate into the opening and speed up to the car in front and then cut into a small opening between 2 cars in the left lane causing the one behind to have to break to avoid collision. They must be so proud as they are in front of a car or 2 that they were behind previously. I wonder if they really think that those 2 spots are worth the risk?

Another thought to consider from the News on KYW1060. Lawmakers are considering mandating that school not start until after Labor Day. The reason stated by one lawmaker was to save tourist dollars. I never really thought about it that way. I always thought it would be nice not to have to go back before the holiday and would make it easier to plan vacations. Unfortunately, we would pay on the backend with an extra several days in school.

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